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Mechanical Engineering

This is a subject guide for Mechanical Engineering, designed to give students and faculty a broad sense of resources available through the Library.

Welcome to the Mechanical Engineering Research Guide

Welcome to the Mechanical Engineering Research Guide, designed to assist anyone looking for more information about the field of mechanical engineering. Click through the tabs to learn more about how to access books and e-books, popular and scholarly articles from databases, as well as useful, reliable information from the internet.

For questions about the study of mechanical engineering at Stevens, please visit the Department of Mechanical Engineering.

History of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens

The Department of Mechanical Engineering is the oldest academic department at Stevens. With a few exceptions, students enrolled in the school at its founding studied for the degree of mechanical engineering (M.E.), and the earliest academic catalogs all list the name of the school as Stevens Institute of Technology: School of Mechanical Engineering. For many years, other engineering disciplines, e.g., civil and electrical, were taught within the mechanical engineering department before becoming established as their own departments. In 1996, the department was incorporated into the newly formed Charles V. Schaeffer, Jr. School of Engineering, the predecessor of the Schaeffer School of Engineering & Science, the department's current home.