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Business Journals (Financial Times Research Rank)

50 Journals Used in Financial Times Research Rank

The journals listed below are based on the Financial Times 50 Journals Used in FT Research Rank. If a journal has multiple databases or coverage dates listed, use the Journal Finder to locate the range of options.

Journals Coverage Database(s)
Academy of Management Journal 1963 - present Business Source Premier, Multiple
Academy of Management Review 1976 - present Business Source Premier, Multiple
Accounting, Organizations and Society 1995 - present ScienceDirect
Administrative Science Quarterly 1956 - present  Business Source Premier, Multiple
American Economic Review 1911 - 2 years ago (rolling embargo) Business Source Premier, Multiple
Contemporary Accounting Research 1997 - present Wiley Online Library
Econometrica 1933 - present Wiley Online Library
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice 1992 - 2016 Gale Business: Insights
Harvard Business Review 1922 - present Business Source Premier
Human Relations 1992 - 2007 ProQuest Central
Human Resource Management 1972 - 1985, 1986 - 1998, 1999 - 2005 ProQuest Central, Multiple
Information Systems Research

1998 - present

1990 - 6 years ago (rolling embargo)



Journal of Accounting and Economics 1995 - present ScienceDirect
Journal of Accounting Research

1963 - 6 years ago (rolling embargo)


Journal of Applied Psychology 1987 - 2006 Business Source Premier
Journal of Business Ethics

1982 - present

Business Source Premier, Multiple

Journal of Business Venturing 1995 - present ScienceDirect
Journal of Consumer Psychology 1992 - 2007 Business Source Premier
Journal of Consumer Research 1974 - present Business Source Premier
Journal of Finance

1997 - present

1946 - 6 years ago (rolling embargo)

Wiley Online Library


Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 1966 - 1 year ago (rolling embargo) Business Source Premier, Multiple
Journal of Financial Economics 1995 - present  ScienceDirect
Journal of International Business Studies

1970 - 1 year ago (rolling embargo)

ProQuest Central, Multiple
Journal of Management 1987 - 1992 ProQuest Central
Journal of Management Information Systems 1984 - present Business Source Premier, Multiple
Journal of Management Studies 1997 - present Wiley Online Library
Journal of Marketing 1936 - present Business Source Premier
Journal of Marketing Research 1985 - present Business Source Premier
Journal of Operations Management 1991 Gale Business: Insights
Journal of Political Economy 1965 - 1 year ago (rolling embargo) Business Source Premier
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 1973 - 1 year ago (rolling embargo) Business Source Premier
Management Science

1998 - present

1954 - 5 years ago (rolling embargo)


Business Source Premier

Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1999 - present INFORMS
Marketing Science

1998 - present

1982 - 5 years ago (rolling embargo)


Business Source Premier

MIS Quarterly 1977 - present Business Source Premier

Operations Research

1998 - present

1956 - 6 years ago (rolling embargo)



Organization Science

1998 - present

1990 - 5 years ago (rolling embargo)


Business Source Premier

Organization Studies 1992 - 2003 Gale Business Insights
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 1993 - present ScienceDirect
Production and Operations Management 1997 - present Wiley Online Library
Quarterly Journal of Economics 1886 - 1 year ago (rolling embargo)  Business Source Premier
Research Policy 1995 - present ScienceDirect
Review of Accounting Studies 1997 - present Springer
Review of Economic Studies 1965 - 12 months ago (rolling embargo) Business Source Premier
Review of Finance 1999 - 2006 ProQuest Central
Review of Financial Studies none Oxford University Press Journals
MIT Sloan Management Review 1988 - present ProQuest Central, Multiple
Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 2007 - present Wiley Online Library
Strategic Management Journal

1996 - present

1980 - 6 years ago (rolling embargo)

Wiley Online Library


The Accounting Review 1926 - present JSTOR, Multiple