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HHS 323: Women and Gender in American History

Where to find the news and articles you'll need for your research paper.

Topic Choice and Brainstorming

When you have settled on a topic, the best first step is to start brainstorming subtopics and the kinds of information you'll need for each aspect of your larger question.

This can help you better identify both where to look and the keywords you'll use.

See below for more info and links to these databases. Note: log into Okta if prompted.


Information Source

Best Bets


Scholarly journals

Scholarly research: Original research, review articles

Discussion: Editors' notes, letters

Subject databases (aggregators)


  • Academic Search Premier

Publisher databases

  • Nature

  • Science


News and commentary

Original research: Investigative news reporting

Discussion: Editorials, analysis, letters to the editor

  • ProQuest Central / News & Newspapers 

    • Includes NY Times Historical and current

  • Nexis Uni

    • News and legal documents


Citation indexes

Citation overviews (NOT full text): Article references and citations

  • Web of Science - some arts and humanities coverage

  • Scopus

Looking for a specific newspaper/magazine/journal?


Current national and international news from newspapers all over the world:

Historical national news from the New York Times since it was founded in 1851:

Looking for a specific newspaper or magazine?

Topic Overviews: Citation Indexes

As citation indexes, Scopus and Web of Science track how often papers are cited, and it is through this citation analysis that you can find new articles of interest from the sources you've already found.

One good article provides you with a list of references as well as the cited-by list, which are newer articles that cite the one you have. This method of backward and forward searching will bring you articles on the subject you need that you might not have found through a keyword search.

Please note: Web of Science includes a wider collection of books and journals in the humanities field than Scopus does, but it can still be worth checking both.