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Artificial Intelligence

The Ethics of AI

The AI4People group (linked below), in surveying AI opportunities and risks, developed the following principles based on traditional bioethics principles (1-4) and adding one:

  1. Beneficence: Promoting Well-Being, Preserving Dignity, and Sustaining the Planet
  2. Non-maleficence: Privacy, Security and “Capability Caution”
  3. Autonomy: The Power to Decide (Whether to Decide)
  4. Justice: Promoting Prosperity and Preserving Solidarity
  5. Explicability: Enabling the Other Principles Through Intelligibility and Accountability

In 2024, UNESCO declared the following four principles that must underlay the foundations of all AI systems:

  1. Human rights and human dignity: Respect, protection and promotion of human rights and fundamental freedoms and human dignity
  2. Living in peaceful just, and interconnected societies
  3. Ensuring diversity and inclusiveness
  4. Environment and ecosystem flourishing

Theory and Practice: AI Ethics

Teaching AI Ethics

Further Reading

AI & Ethics: Organizations