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HLI 331: Shakespeare

This course guide will introduce you to the Library's resources which will inform and support your research paper in Professor Anthony Pennino's class.

Literature Review Rubrics from Your Professor

For the literature review, you must have the following:

1.) A paragraph or two on your project –what your goals and directions are, even what your argument might be.

2.) A review of at least 5 of your sources and how each source will benefit you in your research. The discussion of EACH source must be approximately 50-100 words.

Session Slides

Cite or Die!

Your paper requires MLA (Modern Language Association) Citation Style, 8th Edition. Just remember that when creating and compiling your bibliography page MLA to include the core elements to this style. Some of your sources will not have all 9 elements, like the novels you read in your class as they won't have collaborators, version or a number. The secondary sources you might find in journals will have these. 


Just remember to stay consistent. 


Sante Fe University has a web page dedicated to how to quote Shakespeare here.