San Jose State University, San Jose, CA. Masters, Library and Information Science – December 2008
San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA. Bachelor of Arts, History – May 2000
Publications and Presentations
CHARTing Our Course: Digitizing Brooklyn’s Visual History, a Collaborative Project, MARAC spring conference, April 2013.
Collaborating for Discovery: Expanding Landscapes for Digital Collections through Joint Ventures, ARLIS annual conference, April 2013
CHARTing Our Course: Digitizing Brooklyn’s Visual History, a Collaborative Project, MARAC spring conference, April 2013
Community Connections: Unleashing the Potential of Programs and Services Aimed at Underserved Stakeholder Communities, SAA annual conference, August 2019
Technical Skills
Proficient with PC and Mac computers
Software knowledge includes: Microsoft Office Suite, FileMaker Pro, Access, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Archives Space, Past Perfect, and CONTENT dm
Training and knowledge of EAD, XML and HTML coding
Beginning Javascript, PHP, MySQL, and CSS
Stevens Institute of Technology, Samuel C. Williams Library, Hoboken, New Jersey. Head of Archives & Special Collections, June 1, 2016
Present Archivist and Special Collections Librarian, March 2013 – June 1, 2016
Manages and oversees all policies and workflows of the Archives and Special Collections department.
Manages preservation concerns in collaboration with the Historical Preservation Committee by identifying priority collection items in need of conservation, and overseeing the monitoring of the temperature/humidity of the collection rooms.
Provides reference support remotely and in person and manages reference services for the Archives & Special Collections.
Oversees all archival processing, accessioning and quality control of catalog records.
Implementation of databases to support and manage the intellectual and physical control of the Archives and Special Collection department, which include Archives Space, Omeka, and CONTENTdm.
Implementation of digital projects to provide online access to the collections, which includes creating standards and guidelines for cataloging and digitization.
Digital Collections Page Examples: Outreach and education to the Stevens community in regards to using primary sources in alignment with coursework, by conducting document analysis activities with undergraduate classes.
Promotion of the collections by using social media (e.g. @stevensarchives Instagram), scheduling open houses, creating (physical and digital) exhibitions, providing historical walking tours, and hosting historical and artist talks.
Active collection development, which includes seeking archival collections/artifacts within our scope of collections, and reaching out to donors, student groups, and the local community.
Supervises the Archivist & Digital Projects Librarian and student workers/interns
Brooklyn Historical Society, Brooklyn NY.
Digitization Archivist and Project Education Coordinator, IMLS grant, October 2010 – March 2013
Coordinated a large digitization project in collaboration with the Brooklyn Public Library and Brooklyn Museum, which resulted in the Brooklyn Visual Heritage website,
Created and wrote a digitization manual for the students and staff to use as a guideline for digitization and cataloging standards for photographs
Supervised and trained interns from Pratt’s Library and Information Science program
Organized and scheduled educational workshops for Pratt students
Planned a one day symposium on “Digital Collections and the User Experience”
Responsible for reference desk shifts, and answering reference questions remotely and in person.
Tracked the grant progress and managed the $1,000,000 budget, which included writing the annual reports to IMLS.
Columbia University, Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library, New York, NY.
Project Archivist (temporary), Feb. 2010 – October 2010
Responsible for managing and processing the Woodlawn Cemetery Archive project, which consisted of 900 linear feet of records.
Supervision of student interns to help process part of the Woodlawn collection
Appraisal of the remaining collection, and collaboration with Woodlawn staff to schedule the remaining deliveries.
Implementation of a project schedule and goals to be achieved based on priority and time estimate.
University of California, Irvine – Special Collections and Archives, Irvine, CA.