Mendeley is a citation management tool that helps you import citations from the web and plugs into Word to insert citations as you write.
Mendeley allows users to collect, organize and annotate research articles and other document types individually and in shared group libraries.
Mendeley was created by three doctoral students in 2007.
It has been owned and operated by Elsevier since 2013, and works well with other Elsevier products including ScienceDirect and Scopus.
Stevens does not have an institutional subscription to this product, so you will have to create a personal account to use it.
For best results, do not use your Stevens email address to create your account.
The Mendeley Reference Manager serves as Mendeley's web-based and downloadable citation library organization and annotation tool.
The Mendeley Web Importer connects to your browser to make it easier to import items into your library from the websites and databases in which you find them.
Mendeley Cite is the citation plug-in for Microsoft Word. Download through Mendeley Reference Manager to make sure it's the right one for your version of Word, or find the Office Online/Office 365 plug-in on the Microsoft App store.
Please note that use of the plug-in for Office 365 may require administrative permission.
Also Available from Mendeley
The basic storage plan (2GB) is free and includes the ability to create and support up to 5 shared group libraries of up to 25 users (100MB shared storage across all groups).
More storage is available through "Premium Packages" for a fee:
The Library subscribes to the Elsevier databases ScienceDirect and Scopus, which makes it easier to import citations from those collections.
To prevent login issues with the Stevens subscriptions to these products, it is advised that you use a different email address to create your Mendeley account.
Citation management tools all come preset with many of the major styles (APA, MLA, Chicago, AMA, etc.) but Mendeley Cite can also import new CSL files to format your citations in the style of whatever journal or publisher with whom you might be working.
New styles can be downloaded within Mendeley Cite by going to Citation Settings, and then clicking on "Change citation style." If your preferred style isn't listed, click "Search for another style." The style you choose should then be added to the citation styles library in your Mendeley Reference Manager.