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Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery Services

Is there a “cap” on the cost of documents?

Yes. For all document requests, the Library will subsidize up to $25.00 per document.  If the document costs more than the subsidized amount, the Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services Department will contact you.  You must agree to pay the balance before the Library proceeds with your request.  

Why do I get some documents in just days but others in a couple of weeks?

All requests for documents are not necessarily filled by the same service or library. The Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Services Department reaches out to a network of libraries and they each have different delivery methods and turnaround times.

What should I do if I have an incomplete citation?

Contact a Research Services Librarian for help in verifying your citation.  It is important that your citation be accurate to avoid delays in getting your article.

What is not available through ILL/DDS?

  • Books that the Library owns (print form or electronic form). If a book owned by the Samuel C. Williams Library is out on loan, the book may be put on hold through the Library Catalog so that the current borrower must return the book to the Library at the end of the loan period.

  • Reference books

  • Class textbooks

  • Chapters of books

  • Ebooks

  • Rare or archival material

  • Standards including ISO or ANSI standards

  • Items subject to copyright limitations

  • Entire issues of periodicals - we can get individual documents only. No more than 3 articles per issue of a journal will be filled in one calendar year to comply with copyright laws.

How do I get a copy of a dissertation from another institution?

Request a non-Stevens dissertation here.

Can the Library obtain ISO, ANSI, or other standards?

The interlibrary loan department cannot obtain any ISO or ANSI standards. Institutions do not normally lend these types of documents and the cost of purchasing one would be too high. 

Holiday ILL Closing Schedule

Please be advised that the Interlibrary Loan Department will be unable to to initiate book requests at some point in December due to winter recess closures at Stevens and other universities.  Please visit the main ILL/DDS page and Library social media for the schedule.