While different databases might have slight differences in their use of these terms, the goal is always the same: the more thorough your search string, the more relevant your search results will be, which saves you the time of looking through articles you know you don't want.
BOOLEAN OPERATORSTerms that connect keywords to make a search more efficient |
Results that include both concept A and concept B strawberry AND banana |
Results of concept A except those that include concept B strawberry NOT bananaNote: Some databases (like Scopus) prefer the operator to be written as AND NOT |
OR |
The results of all of concept A and all of concept B strawberry OR banana |
MODIFIERSOther helpful things to use when searching |
Word stems |
Variations of the base word ? (middle of the word) wom?n = women, woman* (end of the base word) [engine*] = engine, engineer, engineering, engineered (etc.) |
Quotations |
Brings back the term or title within the quotations Also known as "bound phrase". "strawberry smoothie" |
Parentheses |
To expand your search string and include more terms (strawberry OR banana) AND smoothie |
This is an image of the spreadsheet I used to track dozens of articles for a research article literature review. Your needs may vary, but attached below is a template of this spreadsheet for you to use yourself, if it works for you.