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How to Be Perfect (First Year Read, 2023)

A guide to the 2023 First Year Read Program pick, How to Be Perfect by Michael Schur (2022).

Effective Altruism

"Effective altruism is a project that aims to find the best ways to help others, and put them into practice."

(Source: Effective Altruism)


Effective altruism builds on the initial concept of altruism, "when we behave selflessly and value the welfare of others" (Ethics Unwrapped).


The Why and How of Effective Altruism (TED Talk)

Peter Singer & The Life You Can Save

The Life You Can Save, published in 2009, was written by Peter Singer, a proponent of the philosophy and social movement referred to as Effective Altruism. Singer's name appeared on a chalkboard in Season 1, Episode 2 of The Good Place. As a result, Schur was asked to write an introduction to the 10th anniversary edition published in 2019.

Image source: How The Good Place taught moral philosophy to its characters — and its creators, D. Matthews (2020)

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"Singer, it should be noted, has been criticized for some of his views on disability and the allocation of capital to those with severe health problems (which also come from his stringent utilitarianism, and which readers can probably tease out for themselves)." (Schur, p. 177n)