This guide collects information about the Library's physical and digital resources for use by Stevens' commuter students, wherever they are.
Questions? Get in touch!
Image: transport by Kozo Creative from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
Students may reserve a study room for up to 4 hours a day and a maximum of 8 hours a week.
Library subscription databases are connected to myStevens authentication through Okta so are available to use on and off campus. Log into myStevens/Okta if prompted.
Please email if you have any issues connecting to Library tools.
The Library allows for the consumption of beverages in the building as long as they're covered, and not near Library books or equipment.
Food is not allowed; if you buy food in the cafe, please eat it in the cafe.
If you have questions about anything on this guide, are curious about our many databases, or want to learn how to do deeper research, get in touch with us or find us in the Library Monday to Friday throughout the calendar year.