When you're spending time commuting via car, public transit, or other means, why not use that time to relax with an ebook or audiobook?
In addition to popular fiction and nonfiction, your local public library also maintains subscriptions to a wide variety of databases, often in different categories than those you'll find in our Library. What does your local library offer?
As a student of a Hoboken college, you are eligible for a Hoboken Public Library card.
As someone who lives and gets mail somewhere other than campus, you are also eligible for a card from your local library.
You're entitled to as many library cards as your eligibility allows. There's no limit other than maintaining residency (that is, you can't continue to use your Hoboken card after you graduate Stevens unless you live there).
Image: Library Card by David Christensen from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)
Many of New Jersey's public libraries in Bergen, Essex, Hudson, and Passaic counties are part of the Bergen County Cooperative Library System consortium, known as BCCLS and pronounced "Buckles."
A library card from one BCCLS library will work at any other library in the network, including Hoboken Public Library. BCCLS libraries prefer students from BCCLS towns use their home library card rather than get a non-resident card somewhere else (such as Hoboken).
Many public libraries (including Hoboken Public Library) use the Libby app for ebooks, audiobooks, and other digital holdings. If you have multiple library cards, add them all in for wider selection.
Bring your DuckCard plus your current course schedule to HPL to get a Non-Resident card which allows you to check out print books and use the app to borrow ebooks and audiobooks.
You can get a library card where you get mail, so if you live in Jersey City, bring photo ID and proof of residency such as a bill mailed to your home to get a Resident card.