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Copyrighted Material in Canvas Faculty Guide

Guidance and information on the use of copyrighted materials in Canvas.

Requesting Permission

If you wish to use copyrighted material for a class (or in your own publications), you may need to request permission from the copyright holder. This can be a lengthy process and should not be done at the last minute.

Publishers often provide information on obtaining permissions on their websites. You might also find contact information for seeking permission to use copyrighted content.

A commercial service like the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) is a fee-based service that attempts to obtain copyright permissions for you, but before you purchase the service from CCC, make sure you are unable to use the content through fair use or other means.

Text adapted from Copyright (Stony Brook University).

How to Ask for Permission

Templates and guidance to make the task simpler.

No Permission Needed

You may not have to ask for permission if:


Posting an item to Canvas for educational purposes does not exempt an instructor from copyright regulations. The information presented here provides guidance but should not be considered legal advice. 


Please email to consult with a librarian for guidance on the use of copyrighted course materials.
For all Canvas-related questions, please email to create a support ticket.