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Literature Reviews

How to understand and write a literature review for an academic paper or research article.

What Do You Want to Work On?


Identify your research focus and scope

That is to say, “what exactly is of interest and why” (Cronin, Ryan, & Coughlan, 2008, p. 38)

  • Is there enough material on the topic?
  • Is it interdisciplinary?

Keep in mind: Your research focus may evolve as you start looking for material.


Questions to ask and ways to answer them

  • What’s been written before? 
    • Do a Literature Scan to assess the current state of the field.

    • Attend conferences to learn from others.

  • What can you do differently?
    • Brainstorm by yourself or with peers

    • Develop a Concept Map and let the ideas flow!

Literature Scan

Concept Mapping

