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EN 423: Environmental Engineering Senior Design

A collection of resources for use in EN Senior Design projects.

Literature Searching: Citation Indexes

When you need to include every article written on your topic for your project's report, there is no single place to look to make sure you've found everything.

However, the job is made somewhat easier by databases known as citation indexes.

Scopus and Web of Science track how often papers are cited, and it is through this citation analysis that you can get a sense of what people have written and what, based on the citations, are considered foundational papers in the field. You should do your search in both to make sure you're catching everything; while there is a fair amount of overlap, they draw from different collections of publications.

Note: Log into Okta if prompted.

Literature Searching: EE Research in Library Databases

Find the full text of research articles, standards, and other publications from these subscription databases.

Note: log into Okta if prompted.

Publisher Databases

Subject Database

Library Database Search Bar

Search by keyword or your program to find the right database for your research.

Example: "environmental engineering"

Note: This search bar will provide you with a list of Library subscription databases by keyword so you can look for your topic in the right place; this does not search within the databases.