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EN 423: Environmental Engineering Senior Design

A collection of resources for use in EN Senior Design projects.

Company Research

What companies work in the same field and make similar products?


Company Information

Details about the company structure, leadership, revenue, etc.

Company News

Business news articles and press releases about the company's actions, products, and other developments.

Government filings

Search the SEC directly for company info.

Industry Research


NAICS and SIC codes

Mergent Online, Hoover's Company Records, Data Axle and other company info databases list the company's industry codes (SIC and/or NAICS for American companies). Look for a company by name, and you can then use the industry code to find other companies in the same line of work.

Library Databases

Industrial Classifications

Product & Market Research

Product Directories

Find the products currently for sale and the companies that make them with these free tools.

Market Research

Who wants to buy your product? How are similar products performing?