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What Can a Body Do? (First Year Read, 2024)

A guide to the First Year Reading Program selection for 2024: What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World, by Sara Hendren.

What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World
by Sara Hendren

2024 First Year Reading Program Selection


Welcome to the resource guide for the First Year Reading Program's 2024 pick, What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World by Sara Hendren (2020), created by librarians Courtney Walsh and Vicky Ludas Orlofsky.


Log into myStevens if prompted.


The FYRP is an initiative of the Office of Undergraduate Student Life. Incoming students are encouraged to participate in the Summer Engagement Contest and explore their personal connection to the selected book. Find more at the link below or email with questions.

Guide Creators


How to Use This Guide

This guide is organized into tabs. Through these tabs, we invite you to learn more about author Sara Hendren and explore Disability, Design and the Built World @ Stevens.

In addition, you will also find a tab for every chapter of What Can a Body Do? (listed below and on the left) that presents and expands upon the main theme of that chapter, including Hendren's projects, cited authors and companies, or key concepts. Further Reading tabs for many chapters include other authors and ideas of note.

When you come across books or articles held by the Library, please log into myStevens to read them. And if you'd like to learn more about any topic mentioned here, feel free to email the librarians!


  • Introduction: Disability Studies
    • Scholars in the field and some of their work; books on Disability Studies from the Library
  • Limb: Rehabilitation Engineering
    • Prosthetic company; books on prosthetics from the Library
  • Chair: Accessible Product Design
    • Universal design; accessible consumer products
    • The term "average"
  • Room: Accessible Living Spaces
    • Deaf architecture; campus living spaces
  • Room & Street: Disability Rights Activism
    • Activists and organizations
    • Key protests and the passing of the Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Street: Accessible Urban Design
    • Design concepts; urban design books from the Library
    • Books on autism from the Library
  • Clock: Time in the Context of Disability
    • "Crip time"; work time
    • Higher education and students with disabilities
  • Epilogue: Accessible Communication
    • The Accessible Icon Project; icons in the wild

Inclusive Language

When writing about an aspect of a person's identity, it's critical to do so in the right ways. We have endeavored to use inclusive language in this guide; please let us know if anything needs correcting.