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What Can a Body Do? (First Year Read, 2024)

A guide to the First Year Reading Program selection for 2024: What Can a Body Do?: How We Meet the Built World, by Sara Hendren.


room by Erik Arndt from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Image: room by Erik Arndt from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Gallaudet University DeafSpace

“Gallaudet’s architecture emphasizes the particular capacities and assets of deafness, an utter reversal of even the most generous and well-meaning interpretation of ‘inclusion.’”
(What Can a Body Do?, p. 99)

Hansel Bauman & Deaf Architecture

Starbucks Signing Store

Starbucks Opens First Sign Language Store For Deaf and Hearing Impaired Customers (Audacy, 2018; via YouTube)

Cowell Memorial Hospital & The Cowell Hospital Residence Program

Image source: National Park Service


Cowell Memorial Hospital Historical Marker


Site of the Ernest V. Cowell Memorial Hospital 1930-1993
Built for the Student Health Service
Original location of the Physically Disabled Students Residence Program 1962-1975

Image Source: Historical Marker Database

Steve Saling

“Until medicine proves otherwise, technology is the answer.”
(S. Saling, quoted in What Can a Body Do?, p. 123)

Leonard Florence Center for Living (via YouTube)